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Welcome message from Head of school​​


ABC International Preschoolへようこそ!

ABC IPの願いは一つ。未来を生きる子どもたちの幸せです。


社会は今、目まぐるしく変化しています。もっと先の未来にはきっと想像を超える、全く新しい時代が待っています。人々の働き方(経済)、関わり方(コミュニケーション)、暮らし方(生活様式)…すべてがガラリと変わる世の中で、変わらず人が幸せでいられる条件とは何でしょう?それは、個性を輝かせた魅力ある人であることと、それを使って社会に貢献し、どんな環境でも身を立てられる生きる力だと考えます。名ばかりの学歴や実力の伴わない名声は影響を潜め、「一人一人の個性」と「コミュニティに貢献できる力」がより重要視されてくるのではないでしょうか。ABC IPは子ども達の幸せを見据え、未来を楽しく生きるための素地として「英語力と自信を育てる」をミッションとして掲げています。


2歳~6歳までの4年間で子供たちが受ける刺激が、その後の人格形成や進路選択に影響を及ぼすこと、そしてその責任を自覚し、ABC IPの門をくぐった生徒一人一人の幸せを願って子ども達と接しています。より善く子ども達を導けるよう、ABC IPのスタッフも日々成長していきたいと思います。


Welcome to ABC International Preschool!

At ABC, we have only one wish - the happiness and success of the children in their future.

Can you imagine the world in 10, 20, 30 years from now?


The world is changing at a rapid pace right now. It will be a whole new and different place that is beyond our imagination.  How people work (economy), how they interact (communication), how they live (lifestyle)... What are the conditions for people to remain happy in a world where everything is changed so drastically? The key, I believe, is “who you are”; the person with a personality that shines in its own color, offers his/her talent to contribute to community and thrives in any political or economical environment. Our mission is to nurture English proficiency and self-confidence as the foundation for children to live happily in the future. 


My wish is for children to be understanding of others and to share happiness with all the people around the world in the future; just like the song “Imagine” by John Lennon. For this to happen, each of children needs to have international communication skills and a good sense of self-esteem, that is to love themselves and to know that they are worthy and valued. It is also important to have the ability to approach problems with a multilateral perspective and to be a well-balanced person who is self-assertive while at the same time accepting and understanding different opinions.


An international preschool is an ideal place to practice these principles. Children will be exposed to different values while enjoying the freedom to express themselves openly and freely in an accepting environment. They can spread the “Roots of their Heart” deep in the ground to form the basis for strong and kind hearts. It is also essential to accept and understand the differing values and cultural backgrounds of English speaking countries in terms of living in a truly global society, as English is the most common language. 

We are aware that what is experienced between the ages of 2 to 6 will have a strong impact on future choices, further education and shaping a child’s personality. We will always bear these responsibilities in mind while educating children as we hope that every single child will have a happy and joyful life ahead. 


Our faculty members will strive to excel so we can better lead the way for children at ABC IP. We look forward to meeting parents and guardians who resonate with our philosophy and cooperate in making our school a better learning environment. Please come visit our school. We look forward to discussing your child’s education.

代表 今仁公美子

Head of School, Kumiko Imani

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